About you

You are one or more of the following:

  • Committed to your health and wellbeing

  • An active individual passionate about your chosen sport or activity, aiming to perform at your best by using the correct muscles without pain or discomfort

  • Keen to workout smarter, not harder

  • Understand that pushing physical limits in the gym or during activities is futile if improper muscles are engaged

  • Looking for a proven way to eliminate current injuries or niggles

  • Wanting to ensure your body (read: pelvis) is aligned prenatal or seeking postnatal physical change and a body confidence booster

  • Understand that Postural Corrective Exercise only works if you do your exercises. Like anything else, dedication is key

  • Can commit to a min. of up to 15 minutes per day (twice a day is best!), incorporating your exercises seamlessly into your day or your existing exercise/activity routines - pre and post activity.

About me

I’m a pretty average, normal guy. A husband, father, business owner. And I just love to run trails, in sandals. Based in Adelaide, South Australia, I’m lucky to have the beautiful trails of the Adelaide Hills to run on.

A co-founder and owner of the national corporate massage business - Seated Massage - in Australia, I’ve been a bodyworker for decades, starting in private practice in Sydney.

During the pandemic, I studied breathing re-education (most of us don’t breathe very well, but that’s for another day) and as a result, add elements of this into my 1:1 Postural Corrective Exercise work with people.

I love nothing more (except maybe longboard surfing in summer and running beautiful trails) than spending time 1:1 with active committed people invested in their health, helping them learn how to realign their bodies and return to their functional blueprint design using simple corrective exercises.

I want to see you run in sandals, swim, paddle, lift weights, ride, play with kids or do whatever it is you love to do, optimally, without pain and injury free.

About Postural Corrective Exercise

Modern lifestyles often compromise physical well-being, due to excessive sitting and limited movement. And research shows that posture issues as a result of these, not sudden injury, predominantly lead to misalignment, pain and dysfunction.

Your body's innate intelligence seeks balance and self-healing, but misalignment in your body affects athletic performance and overall health. Postural Corrective Exercise Therapy uses simple exercises to realign load joints, promoting optimal function and wellbeing.

As a Postural Corrective Exercise Specialist, I assess alignment and provide tailored exercises to address misalignment in load joints. Consistent practice of these corrective exercises, strategically sequenced for effectiveness, is essential for long-term benefits and sustained well-being.

My values

Decades as a health and wellbeing professional has shown me the importance of having clear and strict values that are adhered to. I firmly believe a professional in any sphere is only ever as good as their ability to live their values.

  • With nothing to hide, it’s much easier to be transparent. What you see is what you get with me as I have no hidden agenda. I’m here to help you lead a more functional life. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • There’s no B.S woking with me. My goal is for you to become your own therapist, to not need me in the long run. And in return I encourage you to be honest with me.

  • I strive to ensure you feel mentally and physically safe. You deserve this and it’s vital to the success of your exercise routines.

  • I believe it’s vital all business gives back to those less fortunate. I choose to give cash (10% of any fees received) to the extreme poor in sub-saharan Africa via the non profit Give Directly’.