What is Postural Corrective Exercise? And why you need it.
In a nutshell
.Postural alignment and functional strength happens when we engage specific muscles in a sequenced way to align our 8 major load joints from head to toe.
Postural Corrective Exercise Therapy employs simple exercises, easy movements, and static positions to restore posture and alleviate any muscle and joint discomfort. And over time, your body maintains the (re)aligned positioning.
Just as poor tyre alignment causes uneven wear, misaligned posture triggers joint degeneration. So, (re)aligning your 8 major load joints (shoulders, hips, knees and ankles) is crucial to correct functional movement, body systems function and relieving pain and discomfort.
It’s quick, simple and effective, complementing your current activity/exercise regime or physical therapy treatment and works wonderfully as a stand alone exercise therapy.
How it’s different
Postural Corrective Exercise Therapy is differentiated from many other exercise and physical therapies in 5 distinct ways:
Every therapy routine addresses the body as a whole, not just the individual parts - because our body functions as one unit
Exercise routines created are unique to each individual, and often progress uniquely from week to week
Your routine can start with as little as one exercise, progressing (sometimes quickly) up to 4 or 5 exercises as your body changes and we address other postural deviations
The movements (exercises) assigned to you are simple, short and easy to perform on your own, anywhere, with initial guidance and regular check-ins
No special or expensive equipment is needed (only of a couple of small yoga blocks and a yoga strap)
The focus is always on postural and movement restoration
This is a ‘no-touch’ therapy
The nature of this therapy dictates that touch from the therapist isn’t generally required. And if it is, then it is categorically permission based.
We treat the cause not the symptom
We focus on your posture. The alignment of your load joints. Nothing more, nothing less. The symptom disappears once your functional alignment is corrected.
This is a lifestyle choice
The greatest benefit comes from you making your exercise routines part of your day. And research shows on average, it takes only 21 days for something to become a habit.
You know your body better than any health professional
I’m only a guide for you. You always have the answer, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. I don’t tell you, I help you to find out.
You want to train smarter, not harder
When your body is aligned and functional, your training is easier. Because you are using the correct muscles for your activity, not the compensatory ones.
You’re restoring your body to it’s prime functional positioning
It’s what you were born with and it’s when you function at your best. It’s common knowledge that an aligned body is a healthy body
Movement, nutrition and water enhance your functional body
We need all three for optimal health. For example, our body is made up of 70% water! Optimum water intake is vital for the functional health of your joints and movement.
Your body works as an interconnected unit
If one shoulder is misaligned then it’s highly likely your opposite hip and the opposite side ankle will be too . If we change the position of a joint, your entire body responds.
We do it differently to yoga and Pilates
Whilst both modalities are awesome, they differ to the method I use in a number of important ways. Specifically, in the sequencing of the exercises within your routine.
Consistency creates the results
If you go to the gym, or run, or swim etc say, once a week - what do you expect to happen? It’s the same with this method. Do your routine daily and reap the benefits.
You’ll experience immediate change
Posture therapy is so effective you’re body starts to change quickly. Repetition then embeds the changes.
We’re setting you up to be your own therapist
The worst kind of therapist (and therapy) ensures you constantly rely on them. I don’t. You’ll have the knowledge to use your routines without me.
Compensation vs Dysfunction
If our body has any misalignment, then we compensate for it, using incorrect muscles to move. And compensation often leads to dysfunction. We’re working to avoid this.
It doesn’t take much time to do your routines
We create routines to suit the amount of time you have and choose to devote to them. You can generally perform them anywhere with nominal to zero equipment required.
You want to enhance your training and workouts
Your ideal is to have an aligned body before and after your activity. This will ensure you use the correct muscles during your activity and recover effectively and efficiently.
You want to look better and feel better
Ever noticed how much more attractive someone looks when they have ‘good’ posture? Well, that can be you. And all your bodily systems will function better too!
What happens in a session?
If we haven’t taken them during our initial chat, we’ll take posture photos of you standing - from the front, both sides and the back. We do this easily in person OR online. This is where we start to assess your posture. And your posture photos tell us A LOT about your alignment. You’ll be wearing workout gear, preferably light coloured and with your knees and belly button showing. We need to be able to see certain ‘markers’ on your body like these, to determine how your joints are positioned in relation to each other.
Once I have your photos, we can start your postural assessment. We’ll do some basic ‘functional testing’ helping you to notice what’s going on in your body. For example, how is your weight distributed when you’re standing and walking? I’ll upload your photos to the software I use to help us assess your posture - and don’t worry, NO ONE ELSE sees or has access to your photos. We’ll (you and me) then look at the position of your 8 main load joints relative to each other - your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. We'll select what we both see as the 1 -3 major deviations (misalignments) that stand out the most. Then it’s time for the exercise selection to correct these deviations! And we'll always work with the 'less is more' approach. I understand that your time is precious!
We spend most of your session time choosing and running through your exercise/s. It’s imperative you are performing them correctly so that’s why we spend time on them now. The exercises selected are chosen to correct your posture deviations (eg: a raised shoulder, rotated hips, feet turning out etc) and are based on your comfort level. Whilst I focus on creating short routines of 1-4 exercises that can be done quickly and multiple times per day (up to 3 times), they WILL challenge your structural dysfunctions and muscular compensations. Mostly, no equipment is required (sometimes a yoga block or strap) and you can generally do them anywhere at any time of the day - well, maybe not in the supermarket!